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"Praise" for Saint Clinton
(continued from previous page)


From: Tom
To: Scott Ritcher / saintclinton.com
Sent: September 20, 2004

I will be up front in saying that I am a practicising Catholic and that we clearly disagree on several issues. And I won't deny that you make several valid points about the failings of many Christians. I certainly am not immune from great personal failings.
And I in no way wish to deny you the right to disagree and to voice that disagreement. But the way you have chosen to express this is greatly offensive to me. Sickening even. Any practicising Catholic should recognize that you have used an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to make your image.
To those of us who believe, this is sacrilegious. Make Clinton a "normal" saint with a halo and I might not like it, and I might try to talk you out of it, but I wouldn't be insulted, offended and sickened by it.
In all honesty, can you say that you would you superimpse the face of "St. Bush" on a clearly recognized picture of Martin Luther King?  Or  Budah? Or Muhammed? Or one of Iraqs current well-known Imams? Or Gorbachev? Or Jacques Chirac? Or Gerhard Schroeder? And to add insult to injury, would you then produce products and sell them?
I hope you have the intellectual integrity to admit that you would not create or market any of the above "St. Bush" items - not even as you said "to amuse and entertain people." Why?  Because you would realize that, intended or not, it would seriously offend people in a very significant and substantial manner.
And so if you would not offend these other people - regardless of whether or not you disagree with them on important issues - why are you so willing and seemingly eager to offend those of the Catholic/Christian persuasion?
You cast some stones at Christians (and some of them hit their mark). But how are you any better than those you accuse when you show your own prejudice by deeply offending Catholics and Christians when you would not do so to other groups of people?
Scott, I do believe in Him whom you have defaced, and I will pray that you will find it within yourself to begin treating your Christian sisters and brothers with the same decency that you would treat anyone else on the face of this planet we call home.

From: Scott Ritcher / saintclinton.com
To: Tom
Sent: September 22, 2004

Dear Tom,

I feel I did not deface your God. I defaced a replica of an 18th Century painting of a white person who no more resembles Jesus than Ted Nugent. To me, the significance put into Catholic sacred imagery seems eerily akin to idolatry. It's a picture. It's not Jesus himself. The man in the picture isn't even dressed like a poor fisherman of the day would have dressed. He is dressed like a territorial, political king would be.

I just don't understand how certain arrangements of paint or pixels can be considered as an attack against a religious group. The small image here at the right is the same "Saint Clinton" image that has caused such outrage, but the pixels have been rearranged. Is it offensive now? Everything that made it "disgusting" and "sickening" is still there, but I have a feeling if this image was being discussed in newspapers it wouldn't have ignited the same firestorm.

Sure, if it was an image of Catholic priest being sexually pleasured by a young altar boy, I could understand the anger. The extra irony here is that President Clinton is still demonized and called abhorrent as a result of sins for which he has confessed and asked forgiveness, while officials in the Catholic church have gone out of their way to protect themselves and criminal child molesters from prosecution, even at the cost of subjecting more innocent children to truly sickening and disgusting acts. That is to say, acts that are sickening and disgusting to people of any faith; even to atheists.

Scott Ritcher



Offensive, disgusting, and blasphemous.



This young man has only dishonored himself and his talent, which is a gift. He has mocked the one individual who gave the "ultimate gift" to save humankind.

Being raised Catholic, he can not claim ignorance for what he has really done. Our Lord does not deserve the irreverence of such caustic humor - sad and childish as it is.

As long as there is "free will," there will be occasions when man will let God down - and each other. Sadly, this is one of them.



12 years in Catholic school? Wow! You surely missed the point. Please don't use the "turn the other cheek" as it's only Christian to be a door mat to evil. Please don't teach theology. You admit you're not a Christian. You have an opinion obviously...that's OK. Just don't teach your opinion as fact or faith. Read the Old Testament. God himself judges evil with terrible retribution. It's about love and the other side is sin and judgement. You can't one one without the other. Oh well. Deaf ears.

Wish you enlightenment.


Dear reader,
Peace be with you. I rose this morning and offered my day to my God through Jesus. I thank my Jewish Savior for His love and His grace, and I offer Him my efforts on His behalf.
Which is why the merchandise you sell is offensive, even to someone who enjoys irony and humor.

To take an image of Christ and distort it for profit is callous and careless.

To an unbeliever, the closest parallel might be distorting a picture of a loved one or a parent, and holding it up for public ridicule.
Lighten up, you might say. I am. God is bigger, you might say. He is. What calls forth a response from me is Love. And while you may have the "right" to mock Love, that does not of itself make it right.



Please remove this display of 'hate speech' from this planet. I thank you in advance,



Sep 20, 2004, at 11:38 AM Andrew wrote:

I guess it wouldn't be offensive to me if it was in the general "style" of a saint's portrait. I'm not Catholic, but isn't this a "pose" reserved for Jesus Himself? Have you considered creating more of a "saint" image of Bill rather than a complete deification?

Also, just one quick point: separation of church and state, as you may have already heard, is not in the Constitution. The original leaders of the 13 colonies were mostly Christian churchmen who fled religious persecution in their European homelands. What they were afraid of was the newly crafted federal government endorsing a denomination or religious house -- like the Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, or Quakers. Their notion of separation bears no resemblance to what many believe -- that there should be no mention of God and no effort to "convert non-believers" in public life. That kind of suppression is the kind of persecution they were fleeing, and when I hear you talk in ways like, "The vast majority of people who do not share Catholic or other Christian beliefs must constantly sit by quietly and absorb – or try to ignore – the unending stream of preaching ..." I wonder what you may have planned for me and my family. Nothing good, from that kind of rhetoric.

I agree with you that modern Christianity is probably less Christian that Jesus would have it... but Christianity is defined by beliefs and actions -- both of which must be harmonious with His revealed Word to us. If you continue to flame public antagonism toward the beliefs, pretty soon you'll have less and less of Christian actions, which we already have too little of.

I'm interested to hear back from you if you'd like to dialogue. I don't believe I have bashed you. If I have, feel free to point out where I have. I'm saying this because I am hopeful you won't just try to bash me. You have obvious talent, and I'm always interested to talk with artistically talented people.


From: Scott Ritcher / saintclinton.com
To: Andrew
Sent: September 20, 2004 7:21:23 PM EDT

hello andrew,

thanks for writing. as you can imagine, i have been flooded with emails lately, so i am considerably unable to respond to all of them, nor would i feel it would be productive in some cases. i decided to write back to you, however, because i really appreciate the civil, polite and educated way you addressed the issues.

i realize that what i've done is apprehensible to some people and yet wildly entertaining to others (including some christians). i first want to say that i wish no one any ill will. i have nothing planned (as you put it) for you or your family. i sincerely feel, and to an ever more increasing level, that christian people, especially the fervently devoted, are simply unable to see what life in america is like to those who don't share the same beliefs. things that christians do all the time are so very offensive to others, that i can't believe the reaction i've received at publishing what i consider to be a picture of something humorous. i believe in god, but (obviously) not in the sanctity or sacrilege associated with particular arrangements of paint or pixels. i feel the name and invocation of god is too often thrown around in a disrespectful way, and i understand that many people are as offended by my art as i am by slogans such as "god bless america" and "god bless our troops" - two blessings i feel god might be reluctant to issue. i can't imagine men shooting guns in another person's home are worthy of god's blessing.

i could go on and on. i really just wanted to thank you for being so respectful of my beliefs even though you do not agree with them. it would be nice if all the mail i've received could have been as respectful, sharing and inquisitive. that's what i think america should be more of; a respect for other's opinions, especially if they differ from our own. we're all in this together and while we might not agree, we will be better off if we understand and accept each other's beliefs and their right to believe whatever they want.

best regards,
scott ritcher.



I've got news for you, as I often do for the intellectually deplete......... Bill Clinton had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the booming 90's economy, and I challenge you to give us one thing he did to even phase it!  He simply enjoyed the credit for the results of Reagan's work.
Oh by the way, there are two sets of saints in history; the ones who were pretty good, and the ones who were extremely corrupt. I think we know which one Bill belongs in.

[Note: This message was sent in bright blue letters in the Sans font.]


You are a very ill person. -C.R.


offer it as a roll of toilet paper and I'll buy.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. ---Joshua 24:15


[Note: This message was sent in turquoise letters in the Comic Sans font.]


Having been raised a Roman Catholic, you probably know the story of Christ's passion. 
I just wanted to share with you a brief thought:
"And plaiting a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head...And they mocked Him, saying Hail, King of the Jews"
Whether you believe that the man who beaten, scorned and mocked one Friday was anything more than a man, what good can come from mocking a man in those circumstances?  Any man.  There is an inherent dignity in every human individual, solely by virtue of their humanity.  No person can give us that.  No one can take it away. 
I think the kind of mockery you portray here tries to take peoples' individual human dignity away.  You make a mockery of many people's idea of a beloved image of their God; you make a cruel mockery of Mr Clinton; you make a mockery of that mysterious man who was crucified 2000 years ago, and of every human who has ever been  - or is being right now, today - unjustly tortured, beaten, mocked and humiliated.  
The world surely does not need more of this, regardless of your intent.
Peace. - Sandy


Funny as hell, especially for a conservative non-christian.
Thanks for the laugh. -S.D.


Dear Scott Richter,

As a practicing Catholic I find your Saint Clinton merchandise totally offensive. You have taken "artistic license" way too far in your use of a beloved representation of Jesus Christ and defaced it with the image of President Clinton. Hiding behind your First Amendment rights does not give you free reign to cheapen others rights and beliefs for profit. This is something which you probably didn't consider when you came up with this really offensive portrayal of the former president. You have offended many Catholics in this community, as you are probably now aware.

President Clinton did both good things and bad things during his tenure as president and he had human failures as do we all. Only time will tell wether Mr. Clinton is remembered as a great man in is own right, but he is not a Saint nor is he Jesus Christ, just human like the rest of us. I would hope that if you have any conscious, or sense of decency at all, you would reconsider selling this merchandise.

Our forefathers came to this country for religious freedom. I would not mock, nor make fun, of anyone else religion; and I would appreciate it if you would consider not mocking, or making fun, of my religion either.

-Kathy and Jim


You've got to be kidding! What traits does this man have that qualify him as a "saint?" I think you'd better study up on what makes a saint a saint before you bestow it on someone. The picture is one thing, but dumping your spiritual ignorance on the public through this picture is what really offends me. Be responsible and keep your toxicity to yourself.



Just an opinion on St. Clinton - it's crap. Do something useful in this world instead of getting mileage from a total loser and a total winner. I assume you know the difference, but I could be wrong.




This is the most sickening and revolting thing I’ve ever seen. It is the basest form of sacrilege – not to mention nauseating… literally!
How sick does someone have to be to condone such trash; but more importantly…how sick and perverted does one have to be to have created such cold and perverted crap????!!!
This is not only offensive to Christians, but to Mothers everywhere!!!  Not to mention those who are revolted by Bill Clinton…Democrats and/or Republicans!

You and your group think you are so “in vogue, up-to-the-minute and part of the liberal elite”. In fact, you are sad, pitiable and useless.  And these trends and fads come and go. When being part of this “liberal elite” passes, you will still be sad, pitiable and useless.
I hope you enjoy your earnings (if any) for this Godless endeavor, because life and your 15 minutes of fame are fleeting and your pathetic little bit of exposure will cost you your soul and an eternity of pain. Your mother should have aborted YOU.



This message is for “Pam”, who recently wrote, in response to your ‘Saint Clinton’ image, that your mother should have aborted you.

Pam, that is not a very Christian (or motherly) thing to say. I wonder if Jesus Christ would encourage or embrace your support of abortion. I would imagine not. I wonder if Our Savior would bless your unforgiving, hateful, and judgmental attitude toward this young man.

Pam, surely you know what the Good Book says about judging. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” (Matthew 7:1) I am disturbed that as a woman who identifies herself as aligning with Christianity, you are able to sit in such furious judgment of someone (and his mother) and condemn his soul to “an eternity of pain”.

What we now refer to as “The Sacred Heart of Jesus” image, is not a photograph of Christ. It is not a painting or snapshot of Our Lord. It is an artist’s rendering (designed in Italy in the 18th century) that Christians have embraced. It has been modified, altered, and updated over the course of hundreds of years. ‘Saint Clinton’ is also an artist’s rendering that you happen not to appreciate.

Pam, I implore you, if you decide to truly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ (rather than using Christianity as an excuse to judge and hate others), you should begin to pray for this young man. He has lost his way, and needs humanity’s help to achieve salvation. In the meantime, I will be praying for you, Pam.

Amen, -Pete

[Pam, This picture of Bill Clinton is the "the most sickening and revolting thing" you have ever seen? Where do you live? Have you ever watched the news? Have you ever seen a homeless person begging for food? Have you ever watched open heart surgery on TV? Have you ever seen a Carrot Top movie?]


What's the story on that Saint Clinton stuff? And the "I love abortion" junk? Certainly you realize how disgusting and radically offensive this trash is. What has compelled you to do something so horrid and despicable? Just wondering... Peace.



Mr. Scott Ritcher, The "saint Clinton" pictures that you have been distributing are quite offensive and insensitive. I ask that you please stop distributing them.

God Bless, A. A.


As a Catholic who takes the Sacred Heart of Jesus very seriously, I find it highly offensive that you would place anyone's face of Jesus' in that picture. I find it intolerant, ignorant and insensitive and I urge you to please stop selling your merchandise. You have your opinions and can say Clinton is a saint (which he's not), but please do not defame that picture as is means a lot to Catholics around the world. In addition, I find your baby t-shirts and bibs that say "I love abortion" stupid and disgusting. Why would a baby ever love abortion when abortion would have kept him from being born? Think about it.



Regarding your saint clinton image.... your amusement is painful for some, including myself.  So you are amused using religion as a joke. Some of us are hurt by your humor.



BLASPHEMY!!!!! Don’t worry about my opinion, but God will judge any comparing of Clinton (or anyone else) to Jesus Christ. You obviously are not a true believer, otherwise such BLASPHEMY would never have entered your mind or manifested into cups & mugs! God help your soul!
-Kevin (a true believer)

[Kevin, To people who don't believe what you do, blasphemy doesn't exist any more than the Tooth Fairy, leprechauns, unicorns or Chewbacca.]


This is blasphemy!!! How dare anybody put together such trash?? This is wrong and very sad!!! To take our Sacred heart of Jesus image and post Clinton's face on him?? That is outrageous!!!! The "I love the abortion" logo on a babies bib and thong is not only disgusting, but is offensive and immoral and very STUPID. Many Faithful Catholics are very upset and sad over these blasphemies. I hope your happy. :(...





Dear Scott,
I'm a conservative Christian but I find your Saint Clinton art to be very funny. No offense meant, but I always found Clinton to be a joke and this image confirms that.
I want to apologize for all those Christians who have found it necessary to attack you because of this image. After all, an image isn't Christ Himself and you can do no real damage to Him. And besides, when Christians react the way some have it kind of proves your point, doesn't it?
Aside from being a Christian I am an award-winning artist (watercolor) and used to be an award-winning art director and graphic designer in advertising in the New York area. So I feel with these qualifications and that of my being a Christian I can speak to you with some authority. Oh, and I also have a BA in Biblical Literature.
I feel very sorry that you have such a bad impression of Christianity. Sure, there are a lot of hypocrites and hopefully I'm not one of them - although I know that I'm far from perfect.  I don't try to force Christ down anyone's throat as I know that won't work. Most genuine Christians feel the same way. We offer what we believe in but we want people to decide for themselves. And for those who are searching for God we make information available. There are a number of good preachers on TV and radio who preach to everyone - not just unbelievers - and I can say that some have helped me tremendously. You see I've been fighting stage 3 ovarian cancer for the last 12 1/2 years and without some of these Christian programs I wouldn't have had access to preaching many times when I couldn't make it to church.
I believe in the freedom of all people to make their own choices as far as faith goes. However, I believe very strongly that accepting what Christ did on the cross is the only true way to go. See, you get to choose and I don't judge you for your choice. Only God has the right to judge.
One other thing is that you should check the Constitution a little more closely. Separation of Church and State isn't in there. Thomas Jefferson wrote about it in a letter to the Danbury Baptists, but he wrote only to reassure them that the State wouldn't interfere with their practice of religion. Not vice versa.
Let me give you some advice and you can take it if you want. Try not to be offended by what Christians are saying and doing. Be tolerant. After all, we Christians are being asked to be tolerant of an awful lot and feel that those who don't agree with us should do the same for us. So how about it?

[Debbie, I wish everyone understood that speaking in an educated, cordial way is the best route to getting those with opposing viewpoints to appreciate where you're coming from. It also makes others more willing to accept your view as a reasonable one, even if they don't agree. Thank you.]


Hello: I realize you are an artist, But: I think this is absurd. I would be upset with anyone's image other than Christ himself. IM an artistic person and  against censorship.  I do believe that sometimes it takes commonsense to make up your mind to do something that would offend people. I wouldn't like George Bush's Image as Christ either. I was raised a catholic, but I am an Episcopalian. Please try to understand why people are offended. IM not some religious nut. I do find some of the 6 Flags over Jesus parishioners a bit much but you have to be tolerant sometimes. I just find this image inappropriate. You may not be religious. I find a lot of artistic people to be very existential minded. I guess if you are a Clinton fan perhaps you find this amusing but he's a serial adulterer. I feel that he was a good Politician but in many way's he was offensive to women. I believe the upbringing he had has a lot to do with the way he conducted his life in office. Oh well""' That's my opinion, everyone has one. Sincerely LA, Martinez 


I recently viewed the Saint Clinton image and merchandise at your website.  Although I'm not Catholic, I am standing with my Catholic brothers and sisters in total disagreement with your co-opting Christ for Clinton and then trying to make money off it. It saddens me that what is sacred to others is fair game for you. Is there nothing motivating in your life except the pursuit of more money?  If artistic expression is your driving force, you have failed miserably here. Knowing Christ helps an individual to live by precepts that encourage love and action driven by that love. I will love you by praying for you that you will understand that your actions in creating this image have hurt others by its offensiveness and by your insensitivity. Nothing is accomplished by its creation except ridicule at Christ's expense (which He said would happen*) and your making money off of it. I pray that one day your heart is changed by His.
Jesus is Love. -Frances
*Luke 6:22-26


September 20, 2004 6:25 PM EDT

You people are crazy......................to think he  was a good president just because the economy was good during his terms,  His no action to all the bombing we had in the 90's is the reason for 9/11


From: Scott Ritcher / saintclinton.com
To: Wallace
Sent: September 20, 2004 7:31 PM EDT

You seem to be interested in the reasons for 9/11, so I thought you might like to see what its mastermind has to say about American foreign policy. Now that we have a government who is attacking foreign lands and assaulting the honor of others, we should expect more of the same from the terrorists who have seen no dramatic shift to a Christianlike foreign policy.

"[Western nations] rip us of our wealth and of our resources and of our oil. ... They kill and murder our brothers. They compromise our honor and our dignity and dare we utter a single word of protest against the injustice, we are called terrorists.

The United Nations' insistence to convict the victims and support the aggressors constitutes a serious precedence which shows the extent of injustice that has been allowed to take root...

America has no shame. ... We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. Nothing could stop [America] except perhaps retaliation in kind.

American history does not distinguish between civilians and military, not even women and children. [Americans] are the ones who used bombs against Nagasaki. Can these bombs distinguish between infants and military? America does not have a religion that will prevent it from destroying all people. We do not have to differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets...

This is my message to the American people: look for a serious government that looks out for [your] interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor."

(Osama bin Laden, May 1998)


-Scott Ritcher


You are as much a bigot as the "fundamentalists" you no doubt despise. This may come as a shock to you, but bigotry works both ways.



I have no objection to your attempt to portray Bill Clinton as a saint, but your artwork has gone too far in that you have not made him a saint, but a neo-Jesus Christ. That is why the writers in  the feedback section are so inflamed.   Putting the Sacred Heart symbol on his chest signifies Jesus, not a saint, and indeed is high blasphemy. I'd say "shame on you", but your ignorance of Catholic belief probably excuses you somewhat.

It would have been far more acceptable, and even more tongue-in-cheek,  to picture him in a flowing robe with a halo above his head and holding a couple of white lilies which, in religious art, signify purity, a virtue that never got in the way of Clinton's actions. 


Mr. Ritcher,

First of all let me say that I realize that your most recent work is probably intended to be humorous, but you must also realize that most people (myself among them) do not think that it is at all amusing or appropriate. You responded to your critics by quoting the widely known yet easily misunderstood verse "Judge not, lest ye be judged". When Christ said that he did not mean that we should just blindly accept everything that everyone does in fear of judging another person. Surely man cannot see the heart nor should he assume what the heart holds; this is what Christ did not want to happen. But we are to judge the actions and the fruits of the actions of other men. If not, what good is the law or government? Christ spoke out against the corruption of the religious leaders as well as the immorality of the people, so how can it be said that we should not oppose wrong-doing?

You also suggested that we as a country should turn the other cheek, in this statement I can only assume that you were referring to Afghanistan and Iraq. Again, you misunderstand the meaning of Christ. Yes, Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek when we face pursecution and when we are wronged, but governments and law enforcement are charged with the protection of the people who live under them and they cannot turn the other cheek. Many people think that God doesn't care about sin because he loves us, this is not the case. Though God does love us beyond anything that we can imagine, he also cannot abide sin nor can he allow it to go unpunished. This is why God sent his son so that he could pay the price of sin and those who choose can have their sin judged there on the cross by accepting the gift that Jesus is holding out to us.

I don't know how you can look at this society and see an imbalance on the side of Christians. When most of the media, Hollywood, and the society is pushing immorality, irresponsibility, and the attitude that there is no ultimate right or wrong, how can you say that Christian views are being forced upon you? For every TV preacher (many of whom do not teach true Christianity) there are a hundred other non-Christian and anti-Christian stations, and our plight is little better on the radio.

I truly hope and pray that you will consider the things that myself and others have said, and I am sorry if you have been offended by mean-spirited comments from those who call themselves Christians.



You seem to have forgotten some other images that could have been added
to St. Clinton. Such as, Monica Jennifer, Paula and many others.


What a wonderful way to poke fun at the right wing zealots. Compared to our current thief of the White House, Bill is a true Saint. Thanks. [anonymous]


Mr. Ritcher, Even a person who has a pretty good sense of humor would find this offensive; even non-catholics see the sacrilege here. It's a shame that people stoop to "shocking" people to make money, especially when it is against another's religion.



Your Saint Clinton is amazing. I want some buttons. Are you selling them anywhere in Louisville or are you just on the web? Also, I recently discovered KCM. Fantastic magazine.



What BLASPHEMY!! For someone to distort the holy picture depicting the Sacred Heart with the superimposed head of Bill Clinton borders on sacrilege, which is a gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or image. Piece of crap.



An Absolutely digusting idea and not in the least funny!!!! Clinton is a sleazeball---and a vulgar human being!!!


You will sell a kazillion pieces of this art. I hate his guts, so I think it would be great to hang on my wall and throw darts at it !!! But I'll bet you hate him, too. Fess up!



I read your responses about Christians and while your artwork is irrelevant to me, your uneducated views on Christianity are sad. Like most people who choose to hate another yours is based on ignorance. To simply take pieces of verses out of the bible and quote those saying this is how Christians should live is absurd at the least. To fully understand the bible you must have a relationship God and communicate with him. So you went to catholic school, that doesn't mean you understand anything. The bible itself is not the key to understanding, God is.  One last comment, you say you love all of God's creatures and that is why you are vegetarian. God says in Genesis that he put the animals here for our use. Anyway, I saw no sense in bashing you and I use the term "uneducated" only to describe your view on the subject at hand, not you as a whole. So, I will say a prayer for you that you may seek God and experience all of the blessings he has in store for you. This is Jesus' love for me that I will pass on to you.

[Brian, I don't hate anyone, especially not any religious group. I was just trying to point out that Christians are the only religious group who feel it's their duty to preach to/convert/save people who believe in other religions. I can't think of any other religious group that goes out of its way to get into other people's business. The fact that a lot of US policy is discussed from the standpoint of morals rather than ethics or equal fairness is very disheartening to those who don't share the same beliefs as the legislators. Everyone in America should be able to practice their own beliefs regardless of how others feel about it. While I think abortion is very unsavory, I would never feel like I would have the right to tell someone else they can't do what they want with their body. And while I'm not homosexual, I don't think it is anyone else's right to prevent someone who is gay from enjoying the same rights everyone else has.]


Oh gollygoshgoddamn. Saint Clinton -- perfect. But the baby I heart Abortion t-shirt is the funniest thing in the world right now for me, this Tuesday morning, 2:30 am, in the year of our Lord Satan Bush 2004.

--your radio friend, Bat


I am sorry you feel that your life is worse off than it was 4 years ago at the hands of one man. My life is great, but I don't think it would have changed much, regardless of who is in office. Nothing happens by chance, and all events are predestined, no matter who the captain of the ship.

As far as your art goes, Christians will get upset by it because it is viewed as blasphemy. I am not apologizing for my fellow Christians, just saying that sometimes all of us at some time or another, will speak before thinking. Yes, we are not to judge, especially when beliefs are not the same.

I am not judging you, and would hope the same from you, from some things I have read, I just needed to speak my peace, because everyone is so quick to bash each other.

This country was founded on Godly principles, but everyone is free to believe and say whatever they want.



On Sep 20, 2004, at 12:33 PM, DOUG wrote:

These assholes are absolutely crazy. This pinhead is no more a Saint then he is trustworthy. Goes to show what some good ole backwoods ingenuity can really produce. It must really disappoint you hillbilly's knowing that Clinton doesn't wear a mullet, or you'd have the ultimate portrait. "Kentucky: Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names"


From: Scott Ritcher / saintclinton.com
To: "DOUG"
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 3:53 PM

based on the words spelled incorrectly in your missive, i feel you shouldn't be the one calling other assholes hillbillies. maybe you should have your mom look over your letters in the future before you hit the "send" button.

-scott ritcher

On Sep 21, 2004, at 10:38 AM, DOUG wrote:

I'm sure it's hard for you to keep going back to the dictionary to check your spelling Scott. (Notice the capital "S" here). I'm sure somewhere in the backwoods you can find a computer with spell check and even grammar check if you want! It's got to be hard for you to determine when something is written intentionally, ("ole") Scott. Maybe you should take some of you own advice. Have your mom look your letters over before you push the "send" button. Or maybe you can have your sister do the same, after all in Kentucky they both may be the same person.


From: Scott Ritcher / saintclinton.com
To: "DOUG"
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2004 3:04 PM

hey doug,

i was speaking of the words "then" which should be "than" and "hillbilly's" which should be "hillbillies." i understood that "ole" was intentional, and apparently you thought that was the only unusual spelling in your letter. i'm glad we had this little talk. you can thank me in heaven.


On September 22, 2004 at 9:54 AM DOUG wrote:

Thanks for pointing that out. We don't have many opportunities (?) to use the word Hillbilly much out here.

Be careful Scott showing up to the pearly gates with that Saint Clinton picture in your hands. The last time I checked there was no Saint Clinton. That might be a big mistake. So I'd better thank you now.



You said you were raised a catholic, so how can you mock the saints that you were taught about in school like this. I also think that your abortion bib is a very sick idea. You complain about the religious programing on TV and radio, well what about all the sex, violence and filth that is all over the TV and radio. Do you think that it is all right to show this garbage to our children. A large majority of us don't want to see this perversion on TV but it is imposable to turn the TV on and not see this junk. You say you don't want to see our programing but it is only on a few channels where this other garbage is on every channel. As for war read your bible it is full of wars, all the nations of the world were always attacking Israel. Yes the bible says not to judge unjustly therefore I do not judge you. I do however judge your work and do not think there is anything remotely funny about it. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU.



Unfortunately you reside in a country where you can exercise your first amendment rights. I wish I could express my true feelings without resorting to profanity but I am satisfied that our God will judge you appropriately.

If you really believe, how about Allah tees, mugs, lunch boxes, etc. in Saudi Arabia? But then again you only have one head.




To whom it concerns, if anyone,
There is really nothing that can be said that would make your "art" or some of the bumper stickers on your site any more ludicrous. The depiction of Clinton as Christ doesn't offend me as the Body of Christ is not to take offense from anything in this world. It is nothing more than a weak attempt at blasphemy by a worldly person who wouldn't know God if He sat beside him. Thus, the painting is powerless.
The bumper stickers referring to Bush as an illegitimate President are indicative of the author's ignorance. They're not offensive by any means, just a representation of willing blindness and hatred. Every single person that has ever served as President of the United States has been elected by the Electoral College, period. Your man lost according to the rules, so you want to change them. Sad.
Go vote for John Kerry, a man who can't even take a stance on an issue and stick with it. Some leader!


This is shameful! You have no respect for God or for people's religious beliefs. It is pathetic that there may be a market out there for this kind of stuff. When you are face to face with the Lord, I dont think you will find it so funny. His wounds on the cross were not meant to be a laughing matter!



I will pray for you as you are Lost.





Scott Ritcher, First of all I would like to say that you have some sever honesty in your written speech seen on "Worldnet Daily". I am a Christian and I'm also appalled at the way some Christians act and react to society. The truth is, it could be that many of them are not Christians at all or just simply acting on the flesh for which we all are made of.

Secondly I would like to say that your view of the Separation of Church and State is backwards. This was never meant to keep the church out of politics or the state but to keep the state/politics out of the church. This is actually the exact opposite of ho the statement is viewed and used. Think about it! America was founded on freedoms, that which we receive from God, it from men nor women nor any government. The problem lies in the fact that if we all realized that our value and worth came from God himself, we wouldn't need to have women's rights, civil rights, or gay rights. We already have them from above. They need not be laid in stone again or written in blood in the court rooms or law offices. They can all be found in the Bible, God's Holy Word. That is where we have lost focus. Whether you believe in it or not is beside the point, you would still have those inalienable God given rights, if they are being governed and enforced by those who know them and have the correct relationship with God.

As far as Christians on the airwaves and TV., you as an American have the right to turn them off. That would be a true use of your rights. The sad thing is that Christians get upset because we are continually forced to accept the beliefs and values of others, our freedom taken away, when we do not get the same treatment. I cannot tell you how many times the lifestyles, or beliefs of other groups are shown in full capacity on TV., advertising or written about in society to the extreme. If we choose not to agree, we are called haters and a black label id giving to us. Why does this never work in the opposite direction? I already know the true answer, I'm being rhetorical.

The ACLU is the biggest threat to all of our freedoms I believe. Why, because we are being forced to give in, or not to have an opinion on our own moral standards or beliefs. We are being forced to accept the beliefs or life choices of others. That is not freedom, it is the very absence of it. The civil liberties they fight for is eroding the very heart of the basics of our country and what it stands for. No matter what color, race or lifestyle you choose, you have the same rights! Why can we simply not leave it at that? Why are there special rights for these groups? Are they not American citizens? If a black man is killed or a gay man is robbed does there citizenship change? If the law breaker is caught, then prosecute them as the law ordains. I simply do not understand the very nature of their fight. Do you require special attention because you were victimized? Should a black man killed get more or less attention than a gay man killed? Are they both not counted as a loss?

Let me give you an everyday example to better understand or make more clear my point. I can and will truly say that I a problem with the gay life style. I do not agree with it. That does not mean I hate or will not associate with those who choose this lifestyle. That is simply my opinion and I'm entitled to it. It's an American right given to me! Before I receive some hate mail, end up in court or I'm called a name or two, let me explain. That is simply my opinion and belief. I have that right, just as you or anyone else does to support or live that life style. As a Christian, I'm also called to love that person with that lifestyle and/or that opinion. Again, because of my Christian beliefs, I am to love and accept this person with this lifestyle, but I do not have to agree with it. Do we not all have friends or co-workers that we get along with but do not always agree with the choices they make? Is this any different than the previous example? Would it not be better to have this type of lifestyle and to have a Christian friend or leader who is called to love and accept your choice, but just not support it? Unfortunately this type of love-the-person-hate-the-sin type of viewpoint is many times not undertaken by Christians or those claiming to be Christians.

Lets face it, life is not easy. When growing up, if you're overweight, if you're too skinny, if you have bad acne, or if you don't wear the new stylish clothes you are picked on or looked down upon. That's life! I'm not saying it's fair, but what I am saying is that there does not need to be a law stating that you have every right to have acne, be poor,  be skinny or  to be fat. Is that not ludicrous?  We already have laws or people in authority to deal with these situations and to teach people to be tolerant of others because we are all different. Unfortunately, we cannot use corporal punishment any longer to go along with the speeches made by teachers or administrative faculty. We are forced to put the offender out in the hall or away from the other students (which isolates them and may even strengthen their misunderstanding or unacceptability) as punishment. This many times creates a greater gap in understanding or tolerance by isolating them to form their own little group or viewpoint rather than facing the responsibility and dealing with it in the present.  The way our society is going, you will be breaking a law to even have an opinion. I almost wrote, "You will be breaking the law by calling someone names or even having the thought of calling them a name because they are different". Believe it or not that those very laws are already written in a book. Again the Bible. Jesus taught it from the Sermon on the Mount. Yes, we will even be judged by our very thoughts and it is only God who knows them and will judge us righteously because of them. Wow, laws and decrees which judge by our very thoughts and schemes. I bet many of you weren't even aware that they existed. Once again, the view of Christianity ( God is the only righteous and true judge) is so far from any human viewpoint of law making or forethought of fairness in judgment created by man. Yes, the Bible was written by man, but it was inspired by the Spirit of God to be written. I guess it makes more sense when you realize why many, if not most of our forefathers who wrote the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were Christian and practiced their Christian beliefs in their life and most importantly in their jobs/responsibilities to their country.

Again, if we could all embrace the idea that we are all made equal, all with God given rights and abilities, than we would have no problem. When we begin to accept the fact that we were created by an all knowing, all powerful, all loving God rather than the idea (yes an idea, not proving fact) that we evolved from an apelike man we would begin to embrace the fact that we all have God given value and worth. We need not receive it from any human source, although God does command us to have a mutual respect of each other and to encourage and embrace one another. It's all about relationships, the most important being one with God then others. For with out God, how do we know how to have the proper view of love and relationship. Do you know that a book which is still used in our public schools today (Teaching About Evolution) which teaches evolution, states that since we evolved from ancient apelike men we are all not at the same steps in evolution. Evolutionists believe that the colored races are less evolved and are less advanced rationally or cognitively? Is that not hate crime or racial in intent? Why is that not being dealt with? I'll tell you why. Because the only other alternative which has as much proven fact or is the next best and equally possible hypothesis is the creation example/belief laid out in the Bible! That's why!

To get to the matter of your Clinton imagery, I do not agree with it and I believe it is sacrilegious! In the truth of the matter, I feel that you have taken an image meant to honor God and have defaced it. But, it is only an image! The second biggest problem is that we as a society do things like this and say it's just for humor. If we really had the proper view of an all holy and righteous God, we would not ever use God in a fashion to be made humorous. Yes, you have the rights as an American to make the image. I just do not agree with it. Will I push for a law banning you to not be able to ever make an image like it again? Certainly not, although as far as the ACLU seems to be concerned, I should be able to have their support in having the image banned and never able to be fashioned again, because it misrepresents/offends my personal beliefs and goes against my freedom of religion. Yes, again I'm being sarcastic, but here is a grain of truth to the statement. I believe that there is already a law you have broken, and it is found in the ten commandments (#3).This is a sin that you will have to deal with and it's no laughing matter. I'm just letting you know about it and asking you to not to use it for our own sake.

If you want my honest opinion about your Clinton imagery, it is a marketing scheme by which you are being used to make money off of those you will make this a war on differences of opinion (Republicans vs. Democrats). If you do make money from it, how about using it in a way which gives praise to God, not offends Him!


The following messages were sent to the web site of radio talk show host Terry Meiners after an interview and discussion:

September 17, 2004
Re: "St. Clinton"
Dear Terry,
Enjoy your show, your gentle humor, your intelligence, and your website.  I also respect your viewpoints.  You call it like you see it. 
On today's show I didn't catch all of the conversation you had with the guy about the "St. Clinton" junk.  But, I heard enough to find his "artistic" concept to be highly offensive and anti-Christ.  However, I recognize that he has that freedom.
When he was talking about people telling him what they think about his stuff; he mentioned "keep it to yourself, people".   This is so typical of the foolish extreme-liberal belief that "I'm OK, You're Not OK". 
In other words, they feel that they have the freedom to say or do anything they want; no matter how disgusting or offensive it may be to you.  But, you can't disagree or express your views to them because that's "hateful and biased." 
To him I say "you can just keep this blasphemy to yourself, jerk."  Thus, I just exercised MY first amendment rights.
Terry, I just had to get that off my chest.
TM: Your reaction mirrors many others I have received.  You have eloquently answered the artist with your critique.

Re:  The “Saint Clinton” Web site artist

That interview you just finished with the idiot who put Clinton's face in the statue of Christ is yet another example of the flippant attitude people have nowadays towards morality. I wonder if the man upstairs who has the final say on all matters was laughing along with you'll. Doubt it.













SAINT CLINTON: Saint Bill Clinton’s image on these keepsake items will remind you of better times (about 4 years ago) when you had enough money to eat at a nice restaurant, get your car washed, or take a day off work. His timeless, sympathetic words, “I feel your pain,” echo in his reassuring expression.Yes, things will be better again someday, and with Saint Clinton watching over your home, the golden boy from Hope, Arkansas, can help keep hope alive for you.