The fifth episode offers an aural treat in the form of a descant recorder played by our very own Karin! The intro theme song gets a jazzed-up baroque interpretation and England’s theme tune, Country Gardens, is treated to a well-deserved touch of woodwind. Staying on the musical theme, the hosts discuss Twitter trolls and why James Blunt’s response to them is beautiful.

Also on this week’s show:  ANOTHER apology to a cat, a living nightingale, listener feedback from a spam robot, an impersonation of Karin’s mother, and Scott’s brilliant business idea of selling espresso capsules at work.

Note to our non-Swedish listeners: This episode contains a re-enactment of a phone call between Karin and her mother Astrid — in Swedish. The role of Karin is played by Scott (hence the poor British accent), and Karin plays her own mother. Here is a rough translation:

Astrid: Hello, this is Astrid.

Karin [in a terrible British accent]: Hello, this is your daughter, Karin. ‘Ello guv’nor!

Astrid: Oh, hi! What do you want?

Karin: I’ve eaten a bird in… [ giggles] I saw a bird… iin… the forest. And I… recorded the song… on my mobile! Do you know anything about the birds?

Astrid: I know everything about the birds!

Karin:  I’d love to shall I send it to you, so that you can listen to it.

Astrid: OK then! Bye, darling daughter!

Karin: Bye! Bye mummy!

Duration: 32 minutes

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