See the Louisville History Timeline
An illustrated, historical overview of the City of Louisville

Available as a beautiful poster
Famous and infamous characters like Muhammad Ali, Daniel Boone, Lewis & Clark, Victor Hammer, Diane Sawyer, George Rogers Clark, Frederick Law Olmstead, Prince Madoc of Wales and Zachary Taylor have all been a part of Louisville’s colorful story.

Subway-style Louisville Bus Map
Louisville’s TARC bus system in the style of a subway map

Louisville Transit Map tote bag
View or print a detailed version of the map

Louisville Souvenir Shop
Shirts, stickers, coffee mugs, cups, tumblers and souvenirs online

Profiles in Louisville History
Wright Tower
William Wesley Peters designed a unique office tower for Louisville, based on projects by his old boss and father-in-law, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Encyclopedia of Louisville
The story of John Kleber’s journey to compile Louisville’s definitive historical reference book
King Louis XVI
Louisville was named for Marie Antoinette’s executed husband French King Louis the 16th.
René Robert Cavalier
Sieur de La Salle of France and Prince Madoc of Wales
50 Mayors of Louisville
The complete list of all fifty of Louisville’s mayors
Famous Louisvillians
A big list of notable people from Louisville and a few who lived here temporarily
Louisville: The Biggest City In Kentucky
Louisville is indisputably the Biggest City In Kentucky. No other municipality can make this claim, nor does any other city in America have the same convenient location. Show your pride in these facts by sporting this official hooded sweatshirt. It’s available as a hoodie in many colors and as a short sleeve t-shirt.
Victor Hammer’s Louisville Seal
The City of Louisville commissioned legendary Austrian typographer Victor Hammer to design an official seal for the city in 1949.
Hammer was the designer of the popular typeface American Uncial, a font very similar to both the letterpress face used in the Louisville seal and his earlier typestyle Hammer Uncial. Many of his typefaces remain in widespread use today, more than forty years after his passing.
Although the city replaced his revered seal on the occasion of the city-county merger in 2003, we are pleased to offer Victor Hammer’s classic City of Louisville insignia on a number of great items.
Choose from a coffee mug, blank journal, ceramic tile coaster, lapel-pin button, ceramic ornament and even a wall clock!
Did you know?
The National Spelling Bee originated in Louisville.
The Courier-Journal started the contest in 1925 with just nine contestants.
This vintage photo shows the very first group of finalists posing at the White House in 1925.
The publishing house Scripps took it over in 1941 and they still run the annual spelling competition today.

Did you know?
Disruptive exhaust systems, car stereos, and car alarms are against the law in Louisville.

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person within Louisville Metro to make, continue, or cause to be made or continued, any unreasonably loud, harsh or excessive noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of others…
(B) The following acts are hereby declared to be unreasonably loud, harsh or excessive noises in violation of this ordinance, but the enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
(1) The sounding of any horn or other such audible signaling device on any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle on any right-of-way, parking lot or other public place…
(2) The use or operation of any radio, stereo, or other machine or device for the producing, reproducing or amplification of sound in any vehicle in such a manner as to create an unreasonably loud, harsh, or excessive noise, that disturbs the peace, quiet or comfort of others;
– Excerpt from Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 212-2003
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